
Located in: Kasaragod District

Nearest Airport: Mangalore domestic terminal

Distance From Nearest Airport:  Approximately 70 kilometres

Bekal is a serene village in Kasaragod district and is also popular as the land  with a storied past. Travellers who are planning to get to Bekal by air need to fly to Mangalore Airport which the nearest airport is being about 70 kilometres away. One can easily get a taxi to reach your final destination in Bekal.

Nearest Airport To Bekal

Bekal does not have its own airport. So if you are planning to visit Bekal by air, then you need to fly to Mangalore Airport. Nearest airport to Bekal is Mangalore domestic terminal, which is about 70 km from Bekal.

It will take roughly two hours to reach the place. On reaching, it is better to hire a taxi or car. Taxi charge is about Rs 800 from Mangalore to Bekal. Both bus and car options are available from here. But we will definitely suggest a car ride to a bus ride. When you are at a new place, it is better to travel by car.

Other nearby Airport to Bekal

Nearest International airport is Karipur (Kozhikode), also known as Calicut International Airport, is 180 km away from Bekal. It costs around Rs 3,500 from Bekal to Karipur. Karipur Airport is connected to many Arab cities.

Mangalore air terminal is connected to Bangalore and Chennai. A car journey might get tiring but the scenic beauty is capable of making everyone forget the tiredness.

Both the options are good enough if you are planning a trip to the beautiful Bekal—Kerala backwaters. Located on the south-western tip of India, numerous estuaries ,the extensive beaches and backwaters and the unexplored virgin environs all testify Bekal as a site with immense potential to become an international tourist destination.



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